Monday, March 28, 2011

From Florida Action for Planned Parenthood

Last week was a good week for women at UCF. Take Back the Night was a success - the biggest NOW has seen yet on campus! More coverage and opinions on Take Back the Night will be on the blog later this week. Voices of Planned Parenthood (VOX) also hosted their sixth annual Let's Talk About Sex benefit at Paradise Club in downtown Orlando, with the usual sex toy giveaways and irreverent ring-toss games. (I haven't heard official numbers yet but it was a success in my opinion.)

Not so great for women (and everyone, really) this week, though, are the anti-choice bills that are floating around. From an email from the Florida Action for Planned Parenthood:
"Today and tomorrow, legislators in the House and Senate will be voting on three egregious anti-choice bills, and we need your help to tell members to OPPOSE these bills!

In the Senate, members of the Health Regulation committee will hear SB 1748, legislation that would create obstacles and burdens for abortion providers and deny women access to a legal health procedure. If passed, this bill will result in the closing of abortion clinics in Florida. Senators will also hear SB 1744, legislation that would force a woman to undergo an ultrasound prior to an abortion even when it is not medically appropriate or is against the professional judgment of her physician.

Tell Senators to Oppose SB 1748 an SB 1744.
Members of the House Health and Human Services Quality Subcommittee will hear HB 321 – Nebraska style copy-cat legislation that would ban abortion in Florida after 20 weeks. The decision to obtain an abortion after 20 weeks is often made in rare and extreme circumstances. The proposed legislation would take away the opportunity for women facing medically complex pregnancies to make private, personal medical decisions without government interference.

Tell Representatives to OPPOSE HB 321.

We need your help to tell members in both the House and the Senate to oppose legislation that's dangerous to women's health and does nothing to prevent unintended pregnancy. Legislators need to stop their relentless attack on women. Tell members to OPPOSE HB 321 and SB 1744 and SB 1748."

Take a minute to sign the petitions against these bills- it's quick and easy. It may be a small action to stop these anti-choice bills that are distracting from bigger problems that need addressing, but every bit helps.

Let's live these moments every day - we should have more than one day a year devoted to talking about violence, proper sex education, and reproductive rights.

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